Lots of new things have been added to version 2.0.x, but the overall picture is still the same. Here's a list of the major changes (the complete list is about 2 pages long and consists of mainly code rewrites and bug fixes). As always, feel free to send me mail if you notice strange happenings.
• Added support for hPa and km/h
• Added support for tons of new cities in the US and abroad
• Added support for near-short marine forecasts in the US
• Added support for climatic data in the US
• Added nighttime icons
• Added support for saving and printing forecasts
• Added Recent menu to switch between cities easily
• Added Default button for preferences
• Added support for firewalls (still buggy)
• Added units to wind speed display
• Redrew displays to make them look a little better
• Numerous minor bug fixes
Special note to firewall users:
If you use MacWeather through a firewall, please let me know how it works out. I was only able to do limited testing before this release, so I'm not at all sure how it will work in general.